Terrazza e InfoPoint presso il Centro Pro Natura Lucomagno

InfoPoint presso il Centro Pro Natura Lucomagno

For visitors to this beautiful region, the InfoPoint at the Centro Pro Natura Lucomagno is open in the summer season to assist hikers and nature lovers.

At our InfoPoint you can find advice, tips, ask questions about nature in the region and obtain information material and magazines.

You will be welcomed by a team of nature enthusiasts. 

You can also request guided excursions for groups from among those on offer (see group activities).

Further Information


The InfoPoint is open Thursday to Monday, 1 July to 1 September, from 9.00 am to 4.45 pm.
The InfoCentre may be closed temporarily if we are busy outside. In that case, please ask at the restaurant.


091 872 15 27